職場超實用AI OCR!文件輸入快100倍!

日常工作中,經常需要處理大量的文件、數據和信息,無論是發票、合同還是客戶資料,人手處理這些文件花費大量時間,而且又容易出錯。 隨著人工智能 (AI) 的技術發展,各種AI方案應運而生,而AI OCR就是應用在文件掃描及輸入的智能方案,比人手處理文件快100倍! 甚麼是AI OCR? 一般的OCR (Optical Character Recognition,光學字符識別) 技術可將含有文字的圖片或掃描文件轉換成可以編輯的數碼文字檔案,例如停場車閘口的車牌識別。 而AI OCR是結合了OCR及人工智能(AI)、深度學習 (Deep Learning) 等技術,能夠自動學習和識別複雜的字體、格式和語言,大大提高準確度。 AI OCR 與一般 OCR 的分別? AI OCR 大幅提升效率並降低成本 AI OCR 在職場中的超高效應用 如何使用AI OCR? 3. 內容識別:AI 會在數秒內將文件的內容分析及分類,並自動輸入到系統內。 4. 資料導出:可將資料導出成Excel 或到指定的企業管理系統(如ERP、倉庫管理系統等),方便後續操作和分析。 AI OCR 與工作流程整合 AI OCR 可以與現有的工作流程進行整合,通過 API 與 ERP 、CRM等不同系統連接,將已識別的資料數據傳輸到系統內,並自動執行一連串的工作流程。 例如使用AI OCR 識別30張客戶卡片,客戶資料即可快速輸入到CRM系統內,並自動執行預設的工作流程 (發送電郵、邀請會議等),加快整個客戶管理的效率。 AI OCR 文件輸入工具推薦 YOOV 的AI […]
Automate Your Business’s Order Processing with AI Tools

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficiency is paramount. Order processing can be a time-consuming task. Automating order processing with artificial intelligence (AI) can significantly enhance your business operations. AI tools streamline order management, improve accuracy, and reduce operational costs. Let’s explore how AI can revolutionize your order processing requirements. Why Automate Order Processing? There are multiple reasons to install automatic […]
AI Tools for Revolutionize Your CRM: Empower Your Team with Multi-User Support

Simplifying Complexity: The Best AI in HK for Transforming Business Dashboards

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Hire The Top AI Company in HK to Revolutionize HR Management

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Leveraging AI Platforms for Your Business Success

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Boost Your Business Efficiency: Integrate AI System

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AI Company in HK to Transform Your Order Processing Operation

In Hong Kong’s fast-paced corporate climate, effective order processing and tracking are critical. Manual mistakes, delayed delivery, and client unhappiness are all common difficulties that business owners confront. Therefore, these concerns might result in economic losses and ruined reputations. Fortunately, the best AI company in HK with its tailored AI technologies can help relieve these […]
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Security and Privacy Concerns with AI Chatbot: What You Need to Know

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